Friday, December 24, 2010

Thank you, Charles Dickens

"Bah! Humbug!" – Ebenezer Scrooge

"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide; and, if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death." – Ghost of Jacob Marley

"Men's courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in, they must lead. But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change. Say it is thus with what you show me!" - Scrooge

"I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school-boy. I am as giddy as a drunken man. A merry Christmas to every-body! A happy New Year to all the world! Hallo here! Whoop! Hallo!" - Scrooge

"God bless us every one!" - Tiny Tim

“Merry Christmas, y’all!” – me

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Farewell ... kinda

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale
For all the thought I’ve given this, I don’t know where to start. After 18 years as a self-syndicated newspaper columnist, how do I start my last column?

Well, I guess that will do.

Friday, November 19, 2010

I heart Texas

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale

I’ve often heard of The Village Voice, perhaps the original so-called alternative weekly news tabloid in New York City, but don’t recall ever reading it. A link to an article headlined “50 Reasons to Be Pretty D*** Euphoric You Live in New York City” quickly changed that.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Big news

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale

 A wonderful thing about the Internet is the ease of checking out what’s of interest in other parts of the country and the world.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

He said / she said

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale
“Who works harder: Mom or Dad?” was the headline of an article on the Web site It listed 14 household chores and asked more than 700 moms and dads whether they or their partner did the bulk of each chore. To no surprise, in every chore, one sex thought it did more than the other gave it credit.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Passionate reason

A good and longtime friend posted the following quote on his Facebook page:

"Passion should overwhelm reason time and again."

Monday, October 25, 2010

Here's my sign

On the way home yesterday, driving about 70 mph on the bypass, a car breezed by me on the inside lane. That’s not unusual as a fair number of drivers will squeeze a little extra out of the speed limit; I suspect we’ve all done it both consciously and absent-mindedly.

Friday, October 15, 2010

First Amendment goes both ways

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale

The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard arguments from the father of a Marine killed in an accident while serving in Iraq.

Monday, October 11, 2010

A funny thing happened ...

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale
Tired of electing clowns to public office? The people of Brazil appear to have a solution. They elected a clown to public office.

You know, a clown wearing a blond wig, red hat and a gaudy outfit and going by the name of Grumpy.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Who's serve?

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale
Table tennis, what we’ve always called pingpong, has been around more than a hundred years and has woven its way throughout my life.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Marketing 101

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale
“Hey there, Steve, haven’t seen much of you lately.”

Howdy, Bubba. Yeah, it’s been a while.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Get gas, eat here

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale---
“Do you remember Stuckey’s stores along the Interstates?” I asked my dad Sunday.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

MOR $ 4 U

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale

It looks like the state of Texas may have found a golden egg in the form of its new, seven-character vehicle license plates.

Friday, September 3, 2010

A plot with a view

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale
You’ve heard people say, “Somebody just walked over my grave,” when they experienced goose bumps or shivers running down their spine.

I do not know the origin of that old saying, but I now know where to look whenever the feeling occurs. Yes, I am now the proud owner of a burial plot. Man, do I feel all grown up and responsible.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lies for fun and profit

Do not read the next paragraph unless you promise to read what follows ... OK?

Three Alaskan vacation columns

Following are three columns related to our summer vacation, a dream trip to Alaska that ranks as one of the best ever.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Looking down the road

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale

“I love our place,” my wife is fond of exclaiming.

Friday, July 23, 2010

So long, my friend

We were surprised Sunday to receive word of the death of a friend, perhaps more surprised to learn he had been seriously ill for several months.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

2-D for me, please

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale
Originally released for publication July 14, 2010

Like a kid enamored by a new catchphrase or clothing style, the movie industry has latched onto 3-D as if it is the natural progression of entertainment.

Oh, that’s different

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale
Originally released for publication July 7, 2010

It all started with a television commercial for some furniture store.

“I’m not a licensed interior decorator,” the spokeswoman said, “but ...”

Seeing red again ... finally

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale
Originally released for publication June 30, 2010

Things are looking up; we have new hope our nation might be on the path out of a 20-year case of the doldrums.

Last Sunday, 10 people were arrested in the eastern United States and charged with conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign government without notifying the U.S. attorney general. Yep, they are accused of being spies.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Explain it to me

(c) 2010 by Steve Martaindale

An article on says doctors have noted “a significant rise in skin cancer incidents, especially among young women” and they seem confident they can link that increase to the growing popularity of tanning beds.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Big 12-2 = Econo 10?

Weeks of threats, schemes, rumors, desertions, plans and counter-plans came to an abrupt and, according to some pundits, surprising halt June 14 when the Big 12 Conference seemed to close a wound and limit its loss to two schools.

Ground Control to Ginger

Originally released for publication June 2, 2010

Some things are too good to pass up. You see, I really don’t want to write this column.

My primary concern is it will appear I am taking advantage of a woman who is simply not too bright. Another is feeding her desire for publicity. Yet another concern is it will seem I’m so lazy that I couldn’t pass up an incredibly easy target for a column.

Let's get real

Note: originally released for publication May 26, 2010

While oil drillers, petroleum engineers and other experts are frantically trying to stifle the blown out BP well in the Gulf of Mexico, most of the rest of us are doing what we do best.

We’re complaining about the government ever allowing something to go wrong, about big business contributing to the problem by not caring about the little guy, about ... well, about the fact it makes us feel bad.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Turn to the magic

Last Sunday, for the first time in five years, I was able to take a sunrise walk on the beach. I felt the cooling breeze on an already warm day, watched gliding pelicans and anxious sea gulls, sat on the jetty eyeing boats in the channel ... but the uhmmmm moment, that connection with it all that I so fondly recall, failed to appear.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

My get up and go ...

Live long enough and it’s a question that slowly creeps up on you: “Am I middle-aged already?”

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Choosing battles

Pulled up behind a pickup yesterday with a bumper sticker, “Save the Ta-tas.”

Friday, April 30, 2010

Pedaling together

From a friend I received note of a feel-good story that, upon reflection, I fear is emblematic of what concerns me most about the near future of our country.

The story: Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced what he called a "sea change" in transportation policy. On his blog, he wrote, “People across America who value bicycling should have a voice when it comes to transportation planning. This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of non-motorized.”

Monday, April 26, 2010

Want a coke with that?

It’s a scene I’ve seen played out thousands of times.

“Y’all want something to drink?”

“Yeah, gimme a coke.”

“What kind?”

“Dr Pepper.”

What have they done now?

Not one to keep up with what’s going on in the private worlds of entertainers, athletes, politicians and other superstars, I might have been the last one here to get word about the release Tuesday of the tell-all book, “Oprah: A Biography.”

Thursday, April 1, 2010

100 ... and counting

She was born the daughter of Arkansas sharecroppers, one of two surviving triplets and the 10th of 11 children. Her family moved to Saginaw, Texas, when she was 8 and since then she’s not lived more than two miles from the town north of Fort Worth.

Not in the past 92 years.

Monday, March 29, 2010

No more White-Out

Next time you’re tempted to wish for the good ol’ days, compare and contrast typing to keyboarding.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

You gotta earn it

“If you can't give BETTER than online service, why should anyone care whether you survive or not?”

With that summation, an anonymous comment took to task an errant assumption in last week’s column, that supporting locally owned businesses is inherently better for the consumer.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

That's our policy

“I just closed my account after 44 years of being at the same bank,” my friend said.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tough and dangerous

Do you remember, back in the day, the excitement over the arrival of the annual Sears & Roebuck catalog? It was an institution in itself. I’m sure settlers moved more confidently toward the west due to the fact Sears & Roebuck shipped whatever was needed.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Valentine victories

It’s OK, guys, really. Sure, Valentine’s Day is all mushy and smoochy, but that’s not such a bad thing.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Play day at home

Having most of the day to myself Monday, I started by making a list of things we needed and wanted to do around the house.

As the day warmed up, I finally ventured outside and started piddling around, a little of this and a little of that, like pulling leaves out of the goldfish pond in the back yard.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Counting on kindness

We’ve talked here before about acts of kindness, simple deeds that convey the message one person cares about others. We’ve talked about them being random, little things or large acts. We’ve talked about how they benefit individuals and society in general.

Bob Votruba is taking things a step or two further.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Move it, move it

I am not a doctor, nor am I a physical trainer or weight-loss expert, so consider the following advice along with a grain of sea salt.

That said, I believe the vast majority of us who need to lose weight – a number that grows with waistlines during the holidays – are better served looking at our lifestyles rather than drugs, concoctions or weird apparel that are promised to make us magically “lose weight without really trying.”

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sliding into Christmas

We had our Christmas maneuvers carefully designed, but we all know what they say about the best-laid plans.